2 years ago today, a white nationalist opened fire at the Chabad of Poway synagogue.

We remember Lori Gilbert-Kaye, who was killed, & survivors Noya Dahan, Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein & Almog Peretz.

We also NEED to talk about the specific AR-15-style rifle that was used.

It was a Smith & Wesson Model M&P 15 Sport II semiautomatic rifle.

This weapon has been the weapon of choice for mass shooters in America.

In fact, it is the same type of AR-15-style rifle used by the gunmen in:

— Parkland, FL
— Aurora, CO
— San Bernardino, CA

and more
Why do mass shooters use this murder weapon?

2 reasons:

1) AR-15-style firearms inflict mass carnage. They can be easily modified — w/ little cost or experience — to fire in a fully automatic fashion.

(TL;DR: they can kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.)
(Btw, M&P stands for Military and Police — and yes, this is the name of a line of AR-15-style firearms being marketed and sold to *civilians.*)
We allege that Smith & Wesson dangerously marketed the M&P-15 by:

— irresponsibly use imagery implying military and law enforcement endorsement
— targeting minors thru the use of visuals from first-person-shooter video games and images of children shooting guns.
Our FTC complaint accuses Smith & Wesson of falsely associating the rifle with the U.S. military and law enforcement.

Their ads appeared to feature active members of the military and used slogans like “To Uphold. To Protect. To Defend” and “The Line of Duty.”
It is unfathomable that a gun manufacturer would devise a marketing campaign specifically targeting would-be mass shooters.

But our FTC complaint alleges that's exactly what happened. #Poway #EndGunViolence #EnoughIsEnough
Marketing weapons for military and police use to minors is reckless.

We at @bradybuzz believe that gun manufacturers have a responsibility to prevent tragedies — let alone not facilitate them.
That's why we're pushing to ensure that Smith & Wesson ends its dangerous marketing strategies of weapons of war to untrained citizens.

You can help hold Smith & Wesson accountable by adding your name to our FTC petition now. @bradybuzz #EndGunViolence https://petitions.signforgood.com/brady-ftc-sw 
We know that weak gun laws make hate lethal.

We must do more to #DisarmHate and create a safer America, one where we do not fear getting shot in our places of worship — or anywhere. https://twitter.com/bradybuzz/status/1387042712801611787
For Lori Gilbert-Kaye, who was killed two years ago today, may her memory be a blessing. #DisarmHate #HonorWithAction #EndGunViolence https://twitter.com/bradybuzz/status/1387167268140879875
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