Personal Comment... Unfortunately, as a spec, I've been on the sideline for the last $1.00 higher. I'm really frustrated that I didn't keep adding and pressing my bullish bets as it could have been a huge home run for my family. I didn't want to be overly greedy so I exited my
long positions way too early. I tell my friends and family, I think the entire COVID thing swayed my mindset. I was feeling blessed to simply get some of the extras we received and at the same time get higher prices.
So when I was able to bank profits that I was never really counting on it shifted my mindset to being very gracious rather than going for a home run and pressing like I normally would have in the past. My goal at the beginning of COVID was to come out the other side a bit
more healthy and a little more wealthy. I lost a few pounds, purchased a bit more real estate, the retirement account grew a small bit larger, and the kids are all doing very well. I could have certainly done better and made more money trading this massive bull market in
corn, beans, and wheat... but overall #FellingBlessed! There are a lot of crazy things that happened this past year that might have impacted your thoughts and underlying psychology. Don't beat yourself up too bad if you swung and missed a few pitches. Try to look at the overall
position of where you are now vs. the start of COVID. I know some of my friends lost family members and would give any amount of money to have them back.
So I know not all of us might feel or believe we are in a better position but try your best to stay positive and adjust the sails towards where you now want to travel.
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