The one thing about being autistic imo is I like consistency with everything. I’ve had meltdowns for being rushed, being told what to do out of nowhere, etc. I’ve always been told I need to learn how to be flexible with my time & life
I’ve always had to put others needs before mine especially when people have schedules that aren’t consistent, they change things on me every time.. it’s the most frustrating thing you could do. I’ve learned to take myself out of those situations and not give them my time anymore
It’s even harder when you live with people who aren’t considerate of your needs. When I make time for you it’s because I want to and expect time with you. If I feel bad that day I will cancel hours before, I know things pop up and I’ll get over it if I’m told afterwards
However if people aren’t consistent with me at all I can have a meltdown because my needs aren’t being met. If my schedule isn’t consistent because teachers & or work keeps changing things I can have a meltdown.
I’ve always been blamed for my meltdowns that I’m taking things too seriously, I’m being dramatic or whatever. If I hear that, I won’t talk to you and I’ll stop associating with you. I’m not being controlling for wanting consistency. I wish nts would stop making me feel like shit
For expecting consistency when they enter my life and I’ve told teachers that I need consistency or I’ll fail. I’m not asking for the impossible but somehow nts think I am because they don’t see a problem with doing whatever they want whenever they want without being
Considerate of my wants and needs. A heads up is all I ask for instead of piling work onto me and expecting me to finish in a short timeframe with no help. This is all I ever ask of people and I rarely ever get that. Nobody likes surprises but with me it’s so exhausting
Trying to figure out what I can do without having a meltdown or feeling like I did something wrong. I want to be on my own to create that boundary or I won’t show up. I’ve been tired of working around everyone else’s schedule and life because there’s no time for me
When it comes down to having the energy for myself. If I know when someone works out, showers, goes to sleep and for how long I can create time for myself without feeling rushed to live my own life and feel calm.
I need to know the schedules of close friends and family so I can fit myself in their life without feeling like an asshole for not wanting to hangout or talk to someone randomly. I don’t need to know what someone is doing 24/7 but a little cooperation with me goes a LONG WAY.
There doesn’t even need a schedule to look at but if you’re consistent with your time I’ll be able to give my time without so much pressure to do so. I know life happens but I’m really tired of trying to explain this to people.
I might send them this thread & make them realize that I know life happens but don’t blame me for having a meltdown when it changes everything for me out of nowhere. I will either withdraw or have a complete meltdown about it. But if you’re consistent I’ll give you a pass
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