Thread: The Challenges and Strengths That Come From Having Sisters Signs in Your Personal Planets
Having sister signs in your personal planets gives you the full range of that axis, an ability to understand and portray the two signs to their fullest potential. Sisters signs are like complimentary colors meaning they do just that, compliment each other.
They bring out the best and worst qualities of each other. If you’re an Aries making friends with a Libra you might notice a natural comfort-ability with them while also being challenged to access your own hidden strengths.
Having that duality within your own chart, depending on which planets are in the axis, is like constantly challenging yourself. This thread is focusing on the signs alone and not the houses of the axis.
Before getting into it here are the basics: The sister signs are Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces.
The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
Aries-Libra the axis of identity
Challenges: Who do I put first, myself or my community? How do I keep my identity while keeping in mind others' views and opinions. While Aries is focused on it’s own persona, Libra is focused on others. Where Aries stands alone, Libra molds.
Strengths: Being able to be an individual while understanding your role in society. Combining your own ideas with those of others. The Libra is taking in all the information on a subject and the Aries is narrowing it down into one concise opinion and standing behind it.
Taurus-Scorpio the axis of the senses/possession
Challenges: What do I put first, my love for the material world or my need for intense emotional love? Do I get my power from my own possessions and abilities or from my connections with others?
The Taurus craves stability through seemingly superficial means while the Scorpio craves depth to its highest degree of intensity.
Strengths: Being able to master both the physical and emotional desires. Creating value in what you own and what you love.
The Taurus acquires the physical resources and the Scorpio uses them to fulfill their deepest desires.
Gemini-Sagittarius the axis of learning
Challenges: Do I listen to the facts or to my gut? Do I stay in the realm of logic and reason or look for what can’t be seen? The Gemini wants to bounce from subject to subject once it has a basic understanding of the details
while Sagittarius wants to look at the big picture and jump to different theories.
Strengths: Grasping full understanding of any subject you choose. Being able to dive into the spiritual while being grounded by the mundane. The Gemini provides the studies while Sagittarius uses
those facts as a starting off point to ponder the deeper meaning creating a full circle of knowledge and information.
Cancer-Capricorn the axis of security
Challenges: What’s more important to me, my private or public life? Are my traditions rooted in that of my home and childhood or in my profession and community? Do I gain security through building a home or building a good reputation?
Cancer wants to be rooted in what it finds comfortable and familiar but Capricorn looks to the expectations of society and their persona to determine their value.
Strengths: Being comfortable in both my home and my public life. Mastering the balance between dependence
and independence. Cancer grows the roots and creates a stable base that the Capricorn can branch off of and become successful.
Leo-Aquarius the axis of the ego
Challenges: Do I use my power to make myself shine or to raise the quality of the group? Do I focus on my own desires or what benefits everyone? Leo recognizes their own achievements and strengths
while Aquarius wants to focus on the strength in numbers and what's best for the community.
Strengths: Being able to use your own talents and gifts to help others. Knowing your own worth and value without needing outside validation.
Leo builds confidence so that Aquarius can look past itself and see what society needs from them.
Virgo-Pisces the axis of service
Challenges: Do I feed my body or my soul? How do I hone in on one act of service when I want to help everyone? How can I keep my goals realistic when I see beyond reality? Virgo wants to focus on what they can efficiently and reasonably do
while Pisces wants to broaden their compassion to everything/one they can reach.
Strengths: Being able to use your compassion to make a solid difference. Mastering the balance between trusting yourself and trusting the universe.
Understanding the importance of the mental/physical and spiritual side of service. Virgo will use it’s mental agility to find the problems worth solving and Pisces uses their empathy to produce healing.
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