We, and @BritishInsurers, urge caution as the UK Govt announces plans for Automated Lane Keeping Systems

"ALKS as currently proposed by the Govt are not automated. They are assisted driving systems as they rely on the driver to take back control." https://www.thatcham.org/govt-urged-to-take-caution-on-alks/
There are four non-negotiable criteria that need to be met before ALKS can be classified as automated:

1. The vehicle must have the capability, and be allowed through legislation, to safely change lanes to avoid an incident
2. The vehicle must have the capability to find a “safe harbour” at the side of the road and not stop in a “live” lane
3. The systems on the vehicle must be able to recognise UK road signs and this needs to be assured by an independent organisation
4. Data must be made available remotely through a neutral server for any incident to verify who was “in charge” at the time of the incident – the driver or the vehicle
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