This is a harrowing time for the entire country.

But it’s crucial to remember, even in a pandemic casteism never takes a break.

The IIT Kharagpur prof who berated an entire class of SC/ST/OBC + PwD students as ‘bloody bastards’ was apparently Covid+.

But that didn’t stop her.
She continued to use her hyper nationalism (not ‘standing up for the national anthem’) to lash out on ‘quota’ students in her English class, where she gets to determine whether they even make it to any of the IITs next year.

This is how casteism opeates in university spaces
It’s not just the usage of casteist slurs or telling students they don’t belong

It’s also constant harassment of those who avail reservation by UC profs to remind them of their ‘place’ in the system.

It’s calling them + their parents ‘bloody bastards’ in an English class.
It’s exerting power over ‘quota students’ who as a result are pushed into suicide/dropping out at the highest rate.

It’s the open disgust towards Dalits Bahujans who are assumed to ‘not have merit’ to begin with.

And it’s the hubris to use your illness to conceal your casteism.
Caste & casteism doesn’t always look, seem, appear as what you know.

It’s constantly mutating, finding new ways to keep the ‘descending scale of contempt’ in place.

And it’s vital to recognize & call it out in each of its mutating forms.
Prof Seema Singh, as many intrepid Dalit Bahujan folks have already mentioned, is a grandstanding faculty member who has written several academic papers on the result of ‘inequality’ in the classroom.

But as the viral video shows, her academic discourse never translates IRL.
Caste in academia, a space that on paper favors equity and justice, takes grotesquely dangerous forms in person.

DBA students are often left to the mercy of such faculty members, intoxicated on their power & privilege.

Read/support this powerful statement by APPSC IIT Bombay.
This article from @livewire has more details

Plus this petition by student bodies asks for greater accountability by IITs, to establish SC/ST cells & address caste discrimination on campus
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