NEWS: Upset over our reporting, @Kroger is lashing out. It appears to be paying a corporate front group to run a propaganda campaign called “Imperfect Union.”

This launched the same week as Kroger closed 4 stores because it said it couldn’t afford $4/hr hero pay for workers.
The campaign is run by the Center for Individual Freedom, a corporate lobbying group founded by ex-tobacco industry executives to fight against smoking laws.

Its board chair is Tony Fabrizio, Jr., who was Donald Trump's pollster in 2016.
CFIF has lobbied against prescription drug price controls, net neutrality, and dark money disclosures.

It lobbied for the Dakota Access & Keystone XL pipelines and the Comcast/Time Warner mega-merger.

It does the bidding of giant corporate interests.

Now it’s helping @Kroger.
Kroger is firing/dislocating its own workers right now while making billions in profit.

How much is Kroger paying to fund this campaign instead of simply offering hero pay like other grocery chains?

We asked. @Kroger will not say.
You can follow @MorePerfectUS.
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