lawmakers in kansas wanna make being a trans youth illegal.

i thought other states denying healthcare to trans youth was bad. this is fucking WORSE.

genuine question: how does someone identifying as a gender which isn't the one they were born as a threat to these fucks? (1/?)
i genuinely don't get all these anti-trans laws going around lately. if people are happier as trans, how is that a problem? why introduce all these laws designed to fuck them over?

if it's a religious thing, fuck right off. religion should have no influence on your laws.
in all honestly, i don't see how you can justify these kinds of laws. being trans hurts no one, and i'm genuinely sick of seeing all these laws being proposed claiming such.

this country is supposed to be free for EVERYONE. PRACTICE WHAT YOU FUCKING PREACH.
tl;dr: trans rights are human rights, and these kinds of laws are fucking bullshit
UPDATE: After some research, I discovered that one Kansas representative compared these kinds of laws to the same one forbidding alcohol to minors.

That is a PATHETIC comparison. Alcohol can actually affect a minor's mental development; Being trans doesn't.
If these laws are supposed to keep youths "safe"... what *from*? Other than surgeries related to transitioning, I don't think there's a real harm in being trans - especially not any to a point where an onslaught of laws against it have to be made.
I'm sorry I keep updating this thread, but... I'm just baffled. How can there be this much of a movement against people just being who they are?

I've seen surveys saying that most Americans are against anti-LGBT laws, and that's good. I just hate that... (cont)
these laws are even still ABLE to go though the process of being approved.

It's not enough to just be aware that trans folks exist. We need to ACCEPT them too.

I'm gonna try and stay away from this thread for the rest of the night, have a good one.
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