Scythians had kurgan stelae (baba stones), which is associated with ancestor/warrior-hero praise, also similar to early Turkic tribes. Generally nature (hearth fire, the elements, animals) was mostly subject to praise (over humanoid idols?) in their culture.
Tapestry depicting seated goddess and Scythian rider, 241 BCE.

Either “Artimpasa” (spiritual fertility and love) or “Tabiti” (hearth-fire). Probably the former.
Another goddess they have was called “api” (earth/water mother) which was equated to Gaia.

In case you couldn’t tell “api” is the equivalent to Avestan áp/ápö. It means “water” (the Aban).

A Zoroastrian divinity associated with the waters is Ardvi Sura Anahita... 🤔
Y. Ustinova, 2009.
Gold plaque of Tabiti (I’m not sure though because some say it’s Artimpasa). 4th century BCE via Chertomlyk kurgan.

Tabiti was VERY central to the pantheon and in fact is called “queen of the Scythians”.

Avestan “tapaiti” (“heat”). She is equated to Hestia.
She is the guardian of the king and of the royal hearth which nourishes and warms the tribe.

Apparently Artimpasa = Ashi (or “Arti”). Although Ashi is good fortune... I read on it but I don’t see how it connects. Also, Anahita seemingly influenced this deity as mentioned prior.
There is no underlying message in this thread, lol.

I’m bored. I should write more in Persian too, later.
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