just told this story in someone’s replies but i figure i should let everyone know that my mom’s family has a revolutionary war officer’s saber that’s been passed down for centuries

my mom’s family acquired this sword not with service, but via scandal and skullduggery (thread) https://twitter.com/lifesafeast/status/1387117957550071813
as the story goes, my great x6 or w/e grandpa on my mom’s side (who was an absolutely broke german immigrant) ran off with the daughter of a low-level continental army officer. how romantic!

this daughter was the officer’s only kid, so she and my dirtbag ancestor got his wealth
the sword in question has been passed down in the family ever since, to the point that my 15 y/o cousin currently has it. it’s not ornate or anything, but it’s still in fair condition. there are occasional family debates over whether or not it should be donated to a museum
when i first learned of the existence of this sword when i was 15 (my uncle who had it at the time lives in maine and i’ve never visited him there), i became obsessed with it, since i was (still am) a history buff. i’m still a little annoyed it’s not mine, gotta be honest
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