Things no one talks about: bpd (borderline personality disorder)
~~~~~~~A thread~~~~~~~~~~
Before I start I just want to say this is all based on my experience as I do have a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (bpd)
Always feeling like you’re misunderstood and like no one actually fully gets you
The endless amount of pain that your body goes through when you think someone is going to leave you
Torturous pain when your fp (favourite person) is in a bad mood and you think it’s because of you
Doing whatever you can possible to avoid abandonment even if it’s self destructive
Being so impulsive (spending,sex,drinking etc) and then after one of your loved ones get concerned for your safety but you think “they are gonna leave”
The want to make friends but you know the moment you do and you have an ‘episode’ they will leave
Psychotic episodes
Black and white thinking always ruining relationships that you really don’t want ruined
I am gonna end this thread even though there’s so much more I could’ve added. I hope you know how much you truthfully matter and I hope you can I care and love you đŸ–€ stay strong 🩋
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