I’m a health journalist so I spend a lot of time reading studies. I know a lot of medicalese & can typically converse with doctors in a way that is not expected of patients. This is great when interviewing doctors but terrible when trying to get medical care myself. (1/4)
My knowledge is often confused with hypervigilance. When I request my medical records I see notes that I appear anxious when really I’m just engaged and trying to make sure nothing falls through the cracks, which, unfortunately, has happened. (2/4)
Patients with complex histories often become experts on their condition not because they want to but because they have to. I get that it’s annoying when your patient comes in and sounds like a know it all but it’s never done to belittle the doctor. (3/4)
I don’t want to have to mispronounce words, which I’ve done, or hint at what an issue might be because I’m afraid that if I appear too smart I’ll get labeled difficult or a hypochondriac. I just want to feel better. That’s all any patient ever wants, really. (4/4)
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