Videogames cause nothing but violence and we need to ban/regulate them very soon or else bad things will happen to our society, and this will prove it. I really want gamers to see this and read it with an open mind #videogames #gaming #gamingcausesviolence
Homicide rates have went up, during the same time as the lockdown occurred. The reason? Because gaming was at a all time high. Now that gaming has slowed down homicides have went down significantly
Call of Duty a game about mass murder and killing. A game that advocates for harming others NEEDS to be banned as it shows graphic content and makes some people want to kill. We need to prevent this and make people safe, even if it’s putting gaming on the line
Video game have also been reported to make people more violent. And a lot of mass shooters have played violent video games before. And gaming companies are doing nothing to stop this. I’m looking at you massive Corporations who promote these games
Videogames have been proven to make people rage and be violent. Also gaming messes up people’s perception of the world around them.
Parents have also complained that video games made their kids more violent and angry, and how they miss their kids before video games made them violent. Now they want to fight and do the things they see in games or are inspired to be like the ones they see
Gaming has been linked to laziness and rightfully so. People don’t appreciate nature anymore but are stuck on their TVs/monitors playing a game for hours and hours. Think about it your watching literal pixels/3D render things moving into each other
I mean you’re
Grand Theft Auto a game named after a crime that can land you in jail. Is the worlds most realistic crime simulator, that idolize crime as something cool, and as we know little kids play this game thinking they’re cool and they will see these graphic images.
The newest installment GTA 5 has sold 140 million copies. A game where crime is the number one thing you do. Think about that. This would have probably not been accepted 50 years ago, before gaming
We have a world that idolizes killing and murder as something fun. Also gaming addiction is a big problem in the world. Gaming addiction can lead to dangerous consequences in the future. And lucky some people in Chicago are trying to ban the selling of these these violent games
HEY EVERYONE I just wanted to let you know that I’m still right. As usual gamers come in mobs to attack people but I’m still standing here so. Let’s continue

As we can see by this study that games are more harmful because they’re interactive and require you to identify with the character
Fun fact, did you know that the cigarette industry use to pay doctor and did studies that said that cigarettes were good for you! Obviously that wasn’t the case

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