I hope my Black Boriken followers are okay. Having to defend your humanity to others who you thought you were in solidarity with bc of the inadequacy of Amerikan education leading to ignorant, entitled, COVID tourists contributing to the gentrification of your island = no bueno.
The only reason why Guam is not in this exact same situation is bc flights to here from the U.S. are $2200+ but Guam is also a territory, so we'd definitely be in the same situation if flights were cheaper. I see your situation from across these oceans.
Also, it is sad that this "infighting" has to happen. It could be avoided if Americans actually were taught Black and Indigenous histories, and were less entitled. But we will persist.

May his soul find home. It didn't have to be this way.
Also: not the exact same situation as in tourists would die going to certain streets, but exact same as in being overrun by entitled Amerikan tourists taking advatage of cheap flights to paradise.

But Puerto Rico, Hawai'i, and Guåhan will prevail.
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