
1. This nightmare thought up by @NickKnudsenUS that I tweeted about a month ago still keeps me awake worrying. Read it through & try to imagine waking up in November 2022 & having this start to play out.

This could be our future if we don’t pass the #ForThePeopleAct
2. Imagine waking up in January of 2023, after midterms, & hearing that another Supreme Court Justice has passed. Once again Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell comes out with “let the voters decide,” promising to deny President Biden his rightful nominee to the Supreme Court.
3. The now former Senator Warnock is on morning shows saying the recently passed Georgia voter suppression laws, that kept him from reelection, also doomed yet another SCOTUS nominee.

Two years later, Feb. 2025, Pres. Josh Hawley’s SCOTUS pick sails through a GOP held Senate.
4. GOP state legislatures have gerrymandered Democrats out of more than a dozen districts in states like GA, TX & AZ, and the now GOP controlled House is working to quickly double down on the 2017 Trump tax cuts & kill the Affordable Care Act once and for all.
5. Retrospectives on the Biden Admin will focus on THIS moment, where we missed our chance to fix a democracy broken by those willing to steal fair representation from the people to stay in power.

Everyone is saying, “Democrats should passed the #ForThePeopleAct.”
6. We will lose ground on EVERY issue we care about, & on top of that, our democracy is lost, probably forever.

This, right NOW, is our chance.

Anybody that worked hard to defeat Trump & flip the Senate needs to work just as hard to #PassFTPA.

And we need to do it now.
7. The #ForThePeopleAct will repair the foundation of our democracy and help prevent this tyrannical minority rule. It will lead to fairer & more diverse House districts, make voting more accessible, & protect our elections. It sets up a fair electoral playing field for a decade.
8. Even if the For The People Act is ALL we get done during the first 2 years of the Biden administration, it will be a huge victory because we will have secured our right to free and safe elections and to fair representation.

We will have secured the people’s right to be heard.
9. Without the #ForThePeopleAct, GOP state legislatures around the country will gerrymander, restrict voting access, purge voter registrations, & do everything necessary to ensure they stay in power. They’ve already started in Georgia.

We need to #PassFTPA.
Pass it on.
You can follow @maiamimi.
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