Moving into Bitcoin is not just an economic imperative, but a moral duty.

This is my first piece in a while, but one that I feel everyone should read to remind them of why we’re here. It's a fucking rallying cry.

2/ To fight the leviathan known as “The State”, we must starve it of its most important source of nutrition; economic input.

Economic input is simply measure of the productive capacity of all human action that generates value. It’s literally the collective lifeblood of society
3/ The state consumes [steals] an ever growing amount of input, like a parasite, via its many machinations. It has overt methods such as taxation to do this, but also more covert methods such as inflation via its monopoly on money.
4/ Consequentially, a system emerges in which the incentives skew toward blind consumerism over sustainable productivity, substantiated by the creation of endless fantasy-economic-models designed to borrow from the future, steal from the present and ignore the past.
5/ There results are disastrous:

Destruction of our natural resources
The obliteration of individual values
Mindless consumerism
Misallocated time, energy and intellectual resources
Rampant Speculation
Unnatural inequality (instead of 80/20, we get 99.9/0.01)
Extreme corruption
6/ Monopoly control over the unit by which we measure the product of our labor allows the State to do its damage. By owning, issuing, and mandating what is “money” they're able setup the rules of the game so that no matter wat happens;

"heads they win, tails everyone else loses"
7/ Ripping the control of money from the hands of any organization, individual or institution ensures that all are playing the game of life by the same set of rules.
Rules that give rise to civilization, & reward each individual for their time, energy, & innovative contributions
8/ This is the ultimate equality of opportunity.

Using & interacting with fiat money directly supports a system that attempts to artificially manufacture a modern, immobile feudal state that is a blend of fascism, communism, authoritarianism, socialism, colonialism & globalism.
9/ By strip mining the very soul from humans at the individual level, this broken system destroys humanity at the collective.

We must fight back, and in order to do so, we must fight fiat.

You fix the money, you fix the world.

h/t @allenf32
10/ Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Socialist and Authoritarianism are all made possible by Fiat Money.

If “The State” cannot feed itself, if it cannot fund itself. If it cannot fund itself, then it cannot perpetrate the crimes it continues to commit.

This is the core game.
11/ #BitcoinFixesThis

On a Bitcoin standard, none of these can exist at scale.

Bitcoin doesn’t change the governance models themselves, but holds them accountable by anchoring the system to economic reality. As a result they cannot create fantasies or collective illusions...
12/ by which to perpetuate lies or carry out large scale theft (overt or covert).

By fixing the money, Bitcoin re-aligns the base incentives at the individual and collective level. The trickle down effect then fixes many things gone awry in the world.

13/ Social Mobility

Inequality is NOT a problem when you have social mobility. In fact, it’s desirable, because it’s what makes the world diverse

Bitcoin makes the social strata truly dynamic. The capacity to move upwards exists because those “at the bottom” can officially save
14/ And just as importantly (if not more importantly), downward mobility exists because those “at the top” can no longer socialize their losses when they fuck up.


The fiat monetary system has a devastating impact on the environment. The State burns up an incredible..
15/.. amount of our natural resources and the majority of it is complete waste.

Think about the amount of money (energy & resources) spent on the following:

- Defence & Military
- Government, Regulatory & Judicial System
- Banking, Payments & Financial System
- Wall Street

- Subsidised materials killing the earth (cheap plastics)
- Blind consumerism

Want to help slow & reverse the damage being done to the planet?


Not only do you help slow the amount of resources being wasted, but you also ...
17/ ..opt into using a form of money that does not require the multi-trillion dollar wall street and military industrial complex to “back” it.

Bitcoin is pure energy money.
It has no waste.

Fiat’s guarantee comes from the promise of an archaic, wasteful and morally bankrupt
18/ series of institutions that care about nothing but themselves, and are willing to rape, pillage and loot to stay in power.

Bitcoin’s security guarantee comes from the direct conversion of unforgeable energy into a fixed supply unit on an incorruptible monetary network.
19/ Denatured fake fiat foods are the direct result of government subsidized, large scale industrial “food” manufacturing, whether in the form of direct tax cuts, low interest rate loans (backed by the gov't), regulatory moats or the flood of fake money flowing into the publicly
20/ listed companies selling this sludge.

Before fiat, we cultivated the land, we respected the soil, we ate naturally grown foods.

Today, 95% of the junk you can buy at a supermarket can barely pass as “food”, and u wonder why everyone is fat, sick & depressed?
21/ Education is another area that will flourish

In the absence of state induced poverty (ie; taxation and inflation), you can pay for what you feel is important for your child to learn, and education itself will continue to trend toward a lower and lower cost.
22/ #Bitcoin Makes Saving Great Again

The capacity to save and securly store the product of one’s labour is the cornerstone of civilisation.

Words & language do this for knowledge, in the same way as money does it for “Capital”. Capital = condensed resources & energy.
23/ Bitcoin IS Equality of Opportunity

A common, incorruptible monetary standard is the ONLY form of equality that’s possible or that matters. Measurable human action must be a standard we’re all bound by.

In continuing to support fiat you are contributing to a broken system
24/ ..designed to create poverty, populism, social unrest, food riots, high and rising financial asset prices, social stagnation, and extreme wealth inequality.

Moving your wealth, the precious product of you labour, into Bitcoin is not only the most intelligent economic move
fin/ will ever make, but it is the highest of moral actions.

It is the ultimate fuck you to the system of serfdom we’re all subject to.

Thanks to @AgoristView and @CryptoKeegan for review & inspirations such as @saifedean @Breedlove22 @NSKinsella @NickSzabo4 @dergigi
You can follow @AleksSvetski.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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