Fuck it. Let's open Pandora's Katy.

One like = one fact about me. We're going deep dives on this one, lads! https://twitter.com/KTCCLawson/status/1387100504384319497
1. Starting it off with a classic just to get the ball rolling but yes, I do genuinely have a fear of washing machines.

I also have a fear of firearms that I discovered whilst in America. Fun times.
2. Me and my dad used to have a tradition of climbing mountains for every royal occasion. We climbed Ben Nevis for William & Kate's wedding, and we climbed Snowdon for the Royal Baby.

We were due to climb Scafell for Phillip's funeral, but scheduling issues prevented it.
3. I was *likely* one of the first people to catch COVID. Never tested BUT

I was in Hong Kong whilst they were investigating a "SARS-like virus" in Dec. 2019, and infected all my Brisbane friends with the illness I caught. I lost my taste on a flight back from Brisbane to Perth.
4. At school, I was the only kid to my knowledge to get a detention for "blasphemy" from my English teacher.

I later also got a detention from her for writing an assignment with each sentence starting with the letters "FUCK YOU MRS. KING".

Her son was in my college law class.
5. Sticking with school, I was due to be in my school's talent show in 2009 performing "impressions" but had to miss it.


Because I'd been hit by a car on the road outside an hour before it was meant to start.

They surprisingly didn't let me go to the show.
6. I used to attend a judo club as a kid and I stopped attending it after a girl spat in my mouth whilst we were sparring on the mat.

A decade later, me and her would end up going to prom together where I'd end up winning prom queen.
7. Speaking of prom, I got my prom dress delivered to a friend's house and they brought it to me to show me as soon as it arrived.

Meanwhile, I was bleeding out from a 3-4 inch wound in my arm whilst a retired firefighter helped me after a bike crash.

I had 10 stitches at prom.
8. That's enough school memories. Here's a simple one.

I chipped my front tooth on the kitchen floor at age 11 whilst pretending to be a caterpillar.

I didn't tell my mum until I turned 18 and moved out.
9. I can eat a whole lemon without reacting. I used to steal them from people's drinks at restaurants just to eat them.
10. At one point, I held the record for British Airways in-flight Tetris. I wish I remembered my score but it was in the multiple millions.
11. I continued a rumour for a whole year at school that I was actually part German (my dead name is Konrad) and that I could speak fluent German.

This continued until the girl in my class who'd actually lived in Germany tested me on my German and I made up an excuse.
12. I've been to thirty countries. I am currently not legally allowed back in one of them.

(Spoilers: it's The UAE)
13. Here's a few fun international travel facts.

Of the 30 countries I've been to, I was held back for "extra security" in 10% of them: Poland, the UAE and the USA.

I was held back in Atlanta for three "anomalies" - my tits and my dick. The TSA lady was very lovely though.
14. I'm going to collect all my other USA facts into one neat package.

I got sunstroke at Dollywood.

I saw the 2016 eclipse in the car park of a random winery in the middle of Tennessee.

I saw a live performance of The Devil Went Down To Georgia without knowing what it was.
15. For about a decade, I deliberately made it a mission to eat as many "weird" meats as possible whenever I travelled.

This list now includes alligator, manta ray, buffalo, ostrich, a whole rabbit, swordfish, wild boar and a species of shark I later learned was endangered.
16. On my previous Twitter account, I was blocked by my then-local Member of Parliament, Maria Miller, for calling her a cunt for her expenses scandal.

Two years later, whilst still blocked by her, we had a meeting at college about trans rights in Basingstoke.
17. I nearly had Dan "Wardog" DaSilva, a contestant from Survivor S38, join my Discord wrestling server. It didn't happen after he didn't know how Discord worked.
18. My entire body is lopsided.

My eyes, ears, mouth and oddest of all, nipples, are slanted to one side.

I have no idea why.
19. I have an incredibly good memory to the point that I used to do exams at school by memorising an entire page of A4 before the exam and just remembering everything on the page in my head. I passed every exam this way.

I learned my entire biology syllabus in 30 minutes.
20. Another fairly well-known fact about me, but a favourite one I love anyway.

I own the front bumper from a crashed 2020 British Touring Car driven by Bobby Thompson and it currently sits in my cupboard. https://twitter.com/KTCCLawson/status/1334799319623405569?s=20
21. I once slept for 26 hours straight without waking up after staying awake for 46 hours to complete a @FairySurvivor challenge.

I have also slept for 24 hours straight on two separate occasions.
22. Speaking of sleep, I have also slept in some very weird locations including:

- standing up on a bus
- next to a jet engine
- in a car's passenger footwell
- at a wedding reception
- in the bath
- on a desk at school

I can, and will, sleep literally anywhere.
23. Once, whilst completely drunk in Switzerland on New Year's Eve, and for no reason whatsoever, I licked a girl's eyeball.

Like, the actual eyeball.

I still have no idea what the fuck drunk me was thinking.
24. As a kid, I also used to have a huge fear of dogs.

The fear was so bad that once, whilst running away from a dog chasing me in a park, I got my head stuck in a park bench. https://twitter.com/KTCCLawson/status/1387124261341499400?s=20
25. Also, as a kid, I developed a deep fascination and interest in Star Trek to the point that I made custom Star Trek figures, had a model Starship Enterprise, and learned the Vulcan salute.

I had never seen a single TV episode of Star Trek until 3 years ago.
26. Alright, here's the grossest one so far. Fair warning.

I have a very strong sense of smell, which is strong enough that I can tell when a woman nearby me is on her period. I really fucking wish I didn't have this ability.
27. I learned to ride a bike by accident.
28. I had an ongoing feud with a girl at school who I just absolutely could not fucking stand, and when I discovered her cat had died, in the most psychopath move possible, I drew her a picture of her cat in a blender during art class.

I am still remembered by that art teacher.
29. I nearly got kicked out of a ski lodge for snorting pepper and salt off the tables.
30. I was stung in the eye by a bee as a child, and for genuinely a few years, I actually thought THAT was why I had a lazy eye.
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