okay guys i have some superhero commentary that literally nobody asked for.

you know how every superhero movie is basically about how a villain is concerned about a legitimate issue, and the superhero opposes them because their method of fixing the issue is violent or chaotic?
but then in order to stop the villain the hero always leaves the city looking like this, most of the times causing more violence and destruction than the villain was ever going to
but whats more, after the city has been “saved” the hero does NOTHING to fix the original problem? like okay you destroyed half the city to save it from the evil guy who’s mad about poverty but...sir...what are YOU gonna do about poverty?
its almost like the villains are the real heroes who just have no other way of fixing the problems they are frustrated with, and the “heroes” get all the recognition when all they did was block all forms of progress while destroying the city in the process.
wouldn’t it make more sense for heroes to proactively use their powers to oppose things like war, famine, poverty, colonialism, greed...rather than fighting everyone who tries to fix those things? the only hero that made sense to me was Arrow cuz he actively went after corruption
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