It’s been a while since I posted a story thread and today I have one that is catfish themed! Boy oh boy is this a doozy so STRAP IN

~ The Laura Jones Catfish Story~
~~ a thread ~~
Preface this by saying I come from a very small hometown called Easton, MD. Everyone knows everybody. It is very rare to meet somebody brand new.

So in 2010, it was really weird when a brand new person no one had seen before started friend requesting everyone from school on FB.
Almost everyone I knew started getting a friend request from a random blonde girl who called herself Laura Jones.

No one knew who she was and she posted that she was friend requesting people in our grade because she was “moving to Easton in the summer”.
Pretty much immediately she became a magnet for very random 8th grade boys trying to ask her out and 8th grade girls who wanted to be her friend.
She kept this going for MONTHS and had elaborate backstories for why her family was moving to Easton from Nashville

At one point she was even in a relationship with one of the guys
Eventually people started calling her out for being fake because she seemed to know a lot of details about very specific people.

But whenever she got called on being “fake” she’d double down and start facebook fights with people lmao
Finally around July when she was supposed to be “moving” and meeting up with all these people, she pulled a Cole Sprouse Tumblr move and claimed it was all “an experiment”
No one took this harder than the guys she was flirting with
We never found out who she actually was but people still wish her happy birthday years later and that makes me laugh
TLDR: someone who was likely a middle schooler catfished an entire town
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