The conventional education and career path favors specialization

But the @JeffBezos's of this world practice interdisciplinary systems thinking

No one figured this out better than #ODCC1's @augustbradley 💡
Finally gathered my thoughts on yesterday's amazing #ODCC1 chat with @augustbradley:
Starting out in corporate analytics, he realized he actually wanted to create things (can relate!)
He started a production company and worked as COO at a friends AR/VR company.
Work and life intertwined, he realized he needed more structured workflows
He started out with Airtable, but then he discovered, left and rediscovered Notion
Most people manage to to setup systems for some part of their life, like todo's, habits, routines, tracking, journaling, mindfulness
But the real power is in connecting the systems

This is when original ideas, more efficient workflows and better habits magically emerge from the system
You start doing the things you tell yourself to do
That is the power of the system @augustbradley created in Notion with Pillars, Pipelines & Vaults
When he published some Youtube videos on the system, people literally started pulling the course out of him
As he laid out the whole system on Youtube, engagement was through the roof.

It radically transforms people's lifes
It's the level of engagement that matters - not the size
August responded to every single comment until it got too much.
He then decided to create a cohort based course to teach the system
The system is not for everyone - so it's critical to get the right people on the course:

those who put in the effort and have their lifes transformed

for those the course pays for itself many times over
This requires prescreening, usually achieved by watching a couple of his free videos: people either bounce or go deep

In the words of @The_Pranshu_Ag: look for polarity in engagement
Encouraging for aspiring Youtubers like me:

you don't need to be a charismatic on-screen personality - August was terrible in the beginning but got so much better over time

Youtube is hard for anyone!

Feedback is gold. Give people plenty of opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback
"If what you do changes lives, it becomes a mission to deliver to as many people as possible" -- @augustbradley
I dived into @augustbradley's YouTube channel right after the talk, and probably will be there for the next days!
You can follow @DominicZijlstra.
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