How long does it take to learn or be great at something? There’re many answers in regard to this question, answers that have been provided time to time.
We don’t have to look into them because, it really doesn’t matter. “Why?” one might ask, one might reply, “because if your goal is to be good at something, it doesn’t really matter how long or what it takes.
You just want to be great at it, you just want to get there, you just want to be that.” The process doesn’t matter as well because there’s universal laws that take care of it.
One just has to focus on the goal, being great at the thing in question, then, the universe, God, nature… takes care of the rest; being in the state of flow. It’s really how dreams become reality.
Someone dreamt of flying and the wing suit came to be, another dreamt of not stepping on bare ground and sandals were born. Innovation led to shoes of all kinds, regarding the former, we don’t have to invent another wing suit, we’ll innovate on it, maybe.
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