I pay a GIGANTIC amount of taxes simply based on my professor's salary (more than 95% of people). Now if I go out and work extra hard to raise more money, there is ZERO relief. The governments say: Oh you wrote a book. F**k you, 50% is mine. Oh you delivered paid lectures.
F**k you, 50% is mine. Oh, you wrote commissioned articles in various outlets. F**k you, 50% is mine. Oh you built a sizeable public platform. F**k you, 50% is mine. The govt says: Some folks pay next to no taxes & use up $100,000 of social services yearly, & this can only
happen if idiots and suckers such as Gad Saad work 18-hour days to support the welfare system (filled with astounding governmental waste). Hey Gad Saad, stop being a whiner. In a socialist utopia, we are all equal. So work harder to pay for 10,000 other people for equality!
You can follow @GadSaad.
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