Today in the Midwest, home to the richest black topsoil in the world, over 1/3rd of it or 30 million acres been permanently destroyed by industrial soybean and corn farming. Topsoil that was only possible by the manure and corpses of wild cattle (buffalo). Is this sustainability?
Every year, every growing season, more and more of carbon-dense soil is eradicated in the name of soy, for fuel, feed, and food products. The U.S. produces the majority of soybeans (34%) and exports the majority of it (60%). Sacrificing irreplaceable earth for cheap profit.
Soy processors use the soybean to produce oil that is used both for cooking and biodiesel (perhaps you shouldn't be eating the same shit that trucks use for fuel, lol). Only 25% of all animal feed is used for cattle and exclusively for the industrial meat plants.
Soy is irrefutable harmful for you. Soy contains estrogen-like compounds known as isoflavones that hijack your thyroid and are known as endocrine-disruptors, throwing your hormones into the fucking fan and transforming you into a soy-faced androgynous aberration.
Pro-soy propaganda reared its ugly head in the 90s when all the rage was about linking cholesterol to fats and meat. Who paid for the propaganda? Big Ag and coprorate farming—who are coincidentally are the same bastards who happen to be producing all the soybeans...🤔
We are under media bombardment about "plant-based diets!", how meat is unsustainable, how evil killing animals is while the entire industry has not only been silent about their plans to preserve it, but they've ignored to the devastation of this irreplaceable topsoil altogether.
Plant-based diets aren't just unsustainable and pyrrhic to our earth—they are ecologically impossible and morally insane. Without crop rotation, diversifying crops, animals shitting and dying in the ground, and allowing soil to rejuvenate we are rocketing towards desertification
In the name of experimental, inhuman, and deranged diets which none of our ancestors would have imagined in their bleakest nightmares, we are guaranteeing that future generations will inherit Dust Bowl levels of starvation, permanently.
Our ancestor's diets were far more dense in organ meats and fish than steak. But riddle me this vegan troglodyte, what is more ecologically destructive; raising and butchering a cow on your property to make a steak, or thousands of gallons of fuel to export a soy bean to Asia?
The Industrial Farming system and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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