The hamburger conspiracy is an absurdly typical GOP disinformation campaign and it's good practice what's to come. Here's why the Biden White House was right to respond and what it says about the new rules for rapid response.
It’s tempting to dismiss this attack as too absurd to be believed. No one believes Biden would limit burgers. But too often, Dems focus on the absurdity of the specifics and ignore the believability of the general impression. That's why we have to respond.
The GOP has failed to turn Biden into a scary figure. They may not be able to convince voters that Biden is a radical, but they might be able to convince voters that Biden’s policies will lead to radical changes in their lives.
The burger imbroglio is a dumb, clumsy preview of what is to come. The next done will likely be more effective. Democrats need to build an army of rapid responders who will fight back against the online smears. That army is us.
This grassroots, distributed messaging strategy is the only antidote to the very powerful and dangerous Right-Wing Media Machine. Helping build out that model of communications is the primary reason I started this newsletter ?.
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