Full transparency here (w/ permission of @SebPark and @RyanWFriedman): I'm the attorney for ECI. I helped them set up and launch and they call me in the middle of the night when Ryan (it's always Ryan) is worried about something.

That said, a few thoughts on this 1/8 https://twitter.com/EsportsCi/status/1387062940201885696
I am naturally skeptical of barriers to entry. The bar exam and MPRE keep good lawyers out and still let bad lawyers in. I have seen rich kids repeatedly take the LSAT and SAT and other exams until they got the score they wanted. Tests often favor the wealthy. 2/
Esports should be accessible to all (with the caveat that I have a strong preference for kind and competent people). The disparities you see in other parts of the economy are just as pronounced in esports. And that needs to change. 3/
While I have those same concerns with ECI, I also know that Seb and Ryan are thinking about solutions to those challenges. And not just because I talk to them about my concerns on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis. They'd be doing so even if I didn't raise my concerns. 4/
Seb and Ryan genuinely want to make esports better, to make sure competent people (and kind people, too, if they could readily test for that) are working in the space, and to ensure that higher quality signal can break through the noise. 5/
They're also under no illusions that there are challenges: correct signaling, accessibility (on multiple levels beyond just financial), providing further value, how to address the other issues that will surely arise from this, etc. 6/
A perfect testing product won't ever emerge, but Seb and Ryan will do their best (1) to address the negative externalities that arise from a standardized test and (2) to make sure this is a good and useful tool, both for the industry and for those who take it. 7/
And they'll listen to feedback. So give them feedback. Help them build something that will serve the community well. Even if you're skeptical like me. Build with good people who want to improve and who are genuinely interested in making the space better. 8/8
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