1. This is #CameronMackintosh
defending cutting the #PhantomLondon orchestra from 27 down to 14.
I have many things about to say, but I will focus on these two sentences: he finds it odd that “musicians want to keep doing the same thing year after year”.
2. He’s asking why one would keep playing the same show all the time when one can just leave a show at any time & play a different show. ANSWER: With producers like him, who are constantly cutting their orchestra sizes (see LES MIZ), it’s often IMPOSSIBLE to find another show .
3. (Cont.) Musicians desperately hold on to their jobs because it’s the ONLY full time job they can get. To be clear, they continue because they love music & they want to make money and pay their rent/feed their families. Musicians are not multi-millionaire producers.
4. (cont.) Second of all, he claims he’s making “art”.
Really? Art is taking 27 live musicians & cutting them down to 14 by replacing the live sounds with electronic sounds? That’s art? Nothing electronic compares to a full orchestra.
5. (cont.) As I’ve said it before, the public has the power. Let your opinions be known. Help keep musical theater the beautiful art form it is.
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