1/4 "Look how this evil mining company is polluting the river water!" The reality of this photos: No mine nearby, its actually the natural colour of the water.

Rather, it is our bias at play.

Consider that the environment NEVER recovers from housing development but it can/
2/4 does recover relatively quickly after mining activity stops. A good case study is in Asturias in Northern Spain. In ROMAN times, Pliny the elder remarked that the sea ran blood red from gold/mercury mining. Today it is a paradise, rivers filled with beautiful, healthy salmon.
3/4 Another Eg is the Glynn Lydenburg UG mine in South Africa. Closed in the 1950's it was infamous for its acid mine drainage which killed everything downstream. Today, the mine water has neutralized naturally & is actually a potable source of water for over 10,000 people.
4/4 I am not saying mines have no responsibility: Of course we must always minimize impacts & rehab better. The truth is with time, after mining the environment really does reset. May take 1000yrs, but not so with urban development which really is permanent. Pot - Kettle - Black.
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