#Vincenzo cultural references, a thread.
Italians have a coffee culture.
So, Vincenzo discovering South Korea's instant coffee is him adapting to the culture.
Why is a Mafia like him moving to Malta?

Malta has been said to be a Mafian state.

Source: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/malta-is-a-mafia-state-claims-author-6r3tks558
Guillotine was invented by the French. So why is it that an Italian got hold of this Guillotine file?

Writer Park Jae-Bum may have seen/read the book, The Italian Guillotine: Operation Clean Hands and the Overthrow of Italy's First Republic.
China is a Communist country and often, the rich move their assets or buy properties outside of China.

They also have a penchant for gold. Its market is huge.

Source: https://www.ft.com/brandsuite/cme/why-global-investors-want-access-to-chinas-gold-market.html
To be a mafioso is to be a real man.

What the number 17 means for Italians and the number 4 for East Asians... https://twitter.com/heavenlyswirl/status/1387016086198001665?s=20
Vincenzo knowing this Bible story is also related to the fact that he is Roman Catholic. https://twitter.com/heavenlyswirl/status/1386351208135217155?s=20
Why is Vincenzo fashionable? Why did he also insist wearing Boolraro?

He's from Milan, the fashion capital.
Many political/diplomatic moves today employ the Thirty-Six Stratagems. https://twitter.com/heavenlyswirl/status/1385573013890895878?s=20
"Liberty Leading the People" is a painting by Eugène Delacroix.

The painting is often confused for depicting the French Revolution.

Take note of the confusion that happened in this scene.
The Chess over the Baduk reference is because... https://twitter.com/heavenlyswirl/status/1386510574662524931?s=20
Italians invented pizza. This is why Vincenzo did not hesitate to insult the "pizza" served to him.
There's a pizza place in the US named Cassano's.
Why is Vincenzo portrayed as very masculine? It's called machismo.

Italians have the word, "macho".

Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/italian-english/macho
Most of Vincenzo's "Italianess" is depicted based on stereotypes.

It might be American media's influence on South Korea or to anyone who gets the humor around it.
Park Seok-do was a former CEO of Ant Financial Management.

The former name of Ant Group is Ant Financial. It is affiliated with the Alibaba Group.

It received sanctions last year from the Chinese Government.

Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/chinas-ant-group-become-financial-103113112.html
The Bye Bye Balloon might be a reference to Jack Ma laying low after the incident. We never know.

There were rumors that Ant Financial were tied to money laundering.

Miss Yang here is an accountant specialising in money laundering.
Jang Han-seok grew up in America and him doing this speech to the youth is similar to a TedTalk.

The color of the word Babel is also red. TED Conferences LLC is an American media organization.

Photo: Ryan Lash/TED
Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latercera.com/culto/2020/04/03/10-charlas-ted/%3foutputType=amp
This scene was related to the fact that South Korea has many cults.

Source: https://thediplomat.com/2014/06/the-cults-of-south-korea/
Oh Jeong Bae visiting a shaman is a subtle jab to a powerful figure who are in cults.

Take their first female president for example. She was ousted.

Source: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/29/499864915/swirling-scandal-involving-shamanistic-cult-threatens-s-korean-president
Money laundering in the art world is common.

Source: https://www.artandobject.com/news/how-money-laundering-works-art-world
"For one, the value of any work is fundamentally subjective and therefore easily manipulated."

"Nothing" by Jackson Martin in a nutshell:

Source: https://riskscreen.com/kyc360/article/art-in-the-frame-for-money-laundering/
"Arigatou" is how you thank someone in Japanese. Not only was this an insult to someone of Korean descent (the rift is always there), it also means that this Italian is aware of the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza.
Italians and their love for opera.
Stock manipulation happens with conglomerates.

The chairman of Samsung Group was charged of this last year.

Source: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Companies/Samsung-chief-Lee-charged-with-stock-market-manipulation
Vincenzo having a "heist" in a museum might be related to the famous thief with the same name. https://twitter.com/Nwali_Charles_E/status/1337856704243961858?s=20
East Asian cities like Seoul, Tokyo, and Hong Kong have high rents that temples/religious places like Nanyak Temple are inside the buildings.
Football is the most popular sport in Italy. https://twitter.com/geekahjumma/status/1375594577810235393?s=20
Hong Kong movie reference. https://twitter.com/sonkari82/status/1387283527255969792?s=20
This was dark humor. Why? A Mafia being a whistleblower is an insult to the Omertà, the code of silence and code of honor.

Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mafia#ref119668
A thread about the 36 Stratagems mentioned above. https://twitter.com/suhodorable/status/1385909766837268481?s=20
The current president of the Interpol (International Police) is South Korean. His name is Kim Jong Yang.

Source: https://www.interpol.int/en/Who-we-are/Governance/President
They carried out an operation on Mafia members in different countries last year.

Source: https://interpol.int/en/News-and-Ev 
It's still ongoing that you can find a special section in their homepage.

Source: https://www.interpol.int/Crimes/Organized-crime/INTERPOL-Cooperation-Against-Ndrangheta-I-CAN
The Babel Tower might be based on Lotte Skyscraper Tower.

- Korean: https://m.nocutnews.co.kr/news/amp/4130953#click=https://t.co/41ifNpWZgo

- English: https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article 
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