bringing this thread back up since people on everyone's favorite chatting platform Discord seemed to think that the account i talk about here is fine, and in fact good at spreading misinformation

and man it's just, why? why would you find that funny?
like if i got fooled by the tweet, saw the bio and it had like (not real) at the end i'd be like "oh dang they got me, oh well" and move on

but what i did instead was spend 30 minutes trying to figure out if the account was real or not, and came out with an inconclusive answer
i was sent around in circles instead of being given a clear and concisive answer for multiple reasons; of which are but not limited to

- the account itself replying to other saying "i'm real!"
- other people also saying the account is real
- the "facts" being mundane to fake
and hell now that i brought this thread up, since not everyone saw it before, i'm willing to bet *YOU* believed the account was real up until just now

the account doesn't make it clear at all that the facts aren't real, and while it's not the end of the world, it's still bad
i don't get the appeal of how making shit up, and insisting it's real, is "funny" in the slightest

it's like those fake nintendo of america accounts that post fake announcements to directs or whatever, what the fuck's the appeal of that eh?
though in the latter case, at the very least when you realize it's fake, you just leave mildly miffed

but with this account, you could go your whole life believing the shit they said

and like, again, it's not the worst thing ever

but it's still not good now i'd say
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