God I LOATHE this question. People turn into inconsiderate assholes if you disagree.

Buckle up, this is one I’m particular about. https://twitter.com/mdnij34/status/1386830653560434689
I don’t give a shit what you prefer. I used to work in a grocery store for ~3 years. I loved the self check out because management would never schedule enough people anyways. And management couldn’t do shit because their hands were tied with numbers to meet from corporate.
You see what I’m getting at already? It doesn’t fucking matter what you prefer, big boys at the table have already decided “fuck consumers and our workers” and are going to do anything they can to cheapen labor for Max profits.
You can post all the threads and memes you want about how we have to use cashiers to value them and those jobs as a message. It doesn’t matter. We lost this fight to capitalism and automation, it’s time to move on, and put that energy towards UBI and green energy jobs.
So I hate that question because it’s ignoring the reality of the future. It’s a waste.

Another reason I hate this question is because people turn into ableist assholes if you dare say you prefer self checkout.
There are so many reasons someone might not want to deal with a cashier, and if some asshole tells me another variation of “just tell them you aren’t in the mood to talk” I’m gonna smack them with a pineapple.
For me personally? Before hearing aids it was hard to hear them with all the noise, which just added more stress to my already stressful life. even after hearing aids, I sometimes wasn’t in the mood, and want to get in and out. Turns out that’s my neurodiversity sometimes too!
For others? Maybe they are nonverbal. Maybe they are deaf and don’t have hearing aids. It’s a fucking pain and time consuming to write down communication with someone who isn’t used to it, and there’s three people behind you in line too.
Maybe it’s social anxiety, and it already took them hours to hype up to go. Leave them be.

And I have to stop because I can think of 10 more reasons, and I don’t want this thread to get out of control.

I hope you get my points
Capitalism has a funny way of putting the blame on the consumer. It’s our fault that the planet is on fire so we have to change straws and our diets. It’s our fault the pandemic happened, but it’s also our fault the economy isn’t improving fast enough after reopening.
I hope we can see that this question/debate is just another example of capitalism blaming us for a problem created by the capitalists in charge.

And leave us self check out appreciators alone. Go bother a congressperson about UBI or the Green New Deal for jobs.
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