If we invent edible Flubber, there may come a day when we can survive by eating Flubber and also create a sustainably green economy building breathing Flubber buildings or entire towns out of it and even one day give Flubber consciousness too and expand it to a multiverse. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1383280704042127363
If we invent teleportation, there may come a day when real estate no longer matters as the majority of our time will be in the 'etherverse' and we will have solved the 'distance problem' and will need to rethink time. Something to think about.
If civilization is able to connect itself to itself via neuralinks, into a global consciousness we would be able to anticipate each others needs even before they are communicated and make life peaceful and stress-free. As so much pain comes from not being understood.
If we accelerate humanity not just to a sustainable green economy but more ambitiously to the speed of light or beyond, we can merge all matter and energy and expand our consciousness to the origins of the universe. We just need to believe in ourselves and a LightShip awaits us.
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