15 Common CSS mistakes developers make đź‘€

1. Not using a CSS reset

Each browser has its own default styling for HTML elements.

I'd say it's not just good practice, it's a MUST to reset the styling to some default values and then start styling from scratch

That will help:
2. Starting with the desktop version

It’s easier to develop for a small screen before scaling the design up to a large screen.

You can always make existing elements bigger to fill a blank space on a larger screen.

But it's harder to do it vice versa.
3. Deeply nested selectors

Just because the DOM tree looks one way does not mean the CSS should match it.

HTML is for structure. CSS is for styling.
4. Using px units

I found a nice answer from Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43131958/1064428

Pay attention that the answer from 2012 stated that you should use px.

But the second answer explains that it's fine to use relative units nowadays.
5. Writing 0px

This is just redundant: instead of 0px you can just use 0.

❌ Bad:
margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;

âś… Good:
margin: 10px 0 15px 0;
6. Using color names instead of hex code

While it seems that there are 17 standard colors ( https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-color), I think it's a very bad practice to use color names.

Who knows how they'll be rendered.

Plus you still need a lot of custom colors, so why not be consistent?
7. Putting block elements in inline

From Mozilla docs:

Generally, inline elements may contain only data and other inline elements.

You shouldn't put block elements inside inline elements. 👆
8. Missing alt text for images

Alt is a required (!) attribute for images ( https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_img_alt.asp)

Screen readers use alt to understand what the image is about.

If the image serves DECORATIVE purposes, then you should put alt="" (an empty string)
9. Repeating the same code

It often happens that in big projects you keep on writing the same styling, because it's easier to add one class, than refactoring the whole project.

But it's not a good thing and you should avoid it.

Frameworks like @tailwindcss might help
10. Duplicating font-family everywhere

Another thing related to code duplication is FONT duplication.

I often see that developers copy-paste styles from Sketch/Figma, and end up having the same font-family and line-height.
12. Not knowing the difference between visibility and display

`visibility: hidden` = It is not visible but gets up its original space

`display: none` = It is hidden and takes no space.

This is important to know 👆
13. Not using shorthand syntax, when it's reasonable

Sometimes it's not reasonable to use shorthand syntax, e.g. for the font property.

However, when it comes to margins/paddings/borders etc, it's perfectly fine.
14. Not using semantic tags

HTML has a lot of semantic elements, like <article>, <header>, <footer>.

Use them instead of <div>, it will help for SEO & screen readers.
15. Not providing fallback fonts

It might happen that the user doesn't have installed the font you use.

In this case, you can specify other fonts and font families (!) that should be used.
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