I don't want to give this racist the time of day, but I will use this opportunity to say a couple of things. People's regional dialects often get "stronger" when they are in the region of their native dialect. AAVE speakers also often code-switch between *multiple* dimensions 1/ https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1386865990475018243
So, a white New Yorker might sound way more "New York" in NYC than they do in their new home of CA. Speakers of AAVE doesn't just switch regionally, though. They often switch between broad AAE/AAVE, regionally-specific AAVE, as well as varieties of "Standard American." 2/
AAE/AAVE originated in the South & has then developed different regional varieties after diaspora. However, the rich oratorical tradition of AAE/AAVE carries a lot of the Southern tradition, such that an orator from Illinois might sound more "Southern" when giving a speech. 3/
Ingarham is clearly just a racist. 1st, Mr. Sellers is *from the South*. 2nd, even non-Southern AAE/AAVE speakers might sound more Southern when giving a speech to a Black audience. Given some of our best American orators have been AAE/AAVE speakers, people should know this. 4/
People pulled this same garbage w/ Barack Obama. They accused him of being a fake when he code-switched from "Standard American" to AAE/AAVE. They also accused him of faking a regional dialect both in broad speeches & when he was in the South. It's all linguistic racism 5/
Tucker Carlson most recently went on a rant about Obama's "accent" during John Lewis's funeral, calling the "accent" fake and Obama "Mr. Hawaii Guy." If Fox News were generally interested in AAE/AAVE code-switching they would have figured it out by now. But they're just racist.
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