@ fellow white people: undoing our anti-Blackness is an ongoing, active process. our intentions mean nothing if the impact is harmful. when someone expresses that our actions are/were anti-Black don't get defensive. listen, reflect, & commit to not replicating those harms
when we don't actively engage this wholly necessary work we allow our implicit anti-Blackness to taint the actions we take in our community. this gets us nowhere in any broader struggle for liberation
like we all need to do better. how the fuck do y'all think we're gonna take down the state if we can't even work to break down these systems of power in ourselves?
anyway, this is not a radical take in the slightest and I'm tired of some people out here acting like it is. everything I know on this comes directly from the Black feminist tradition so always want to give recognition to a tradition that has taught me and others so much
and to the people this thread was directly inspired by: I'm gonna continue having these conversations with you. we don't get to turn our back on this no matter what we think our intentions are
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