As stupid as I feel falling for a fraud scam, I think it's valuable to share my experience in case it helps someone else

Last week I received a genuine text from @TSB saying there was potential fraudulent activity on my card and they'd contact me shortly...
... within 10 minutes the fraudster called me, reassured me by telling me they'd never ask me to tell them my card details and I can put them in on my phone keypad as it's more secure

While I was on the phone they tried to process multiple transactions without me knowing...
... The woman told me they needed to send me a OTP to confirm it was my account

It's important to know, banks don't tend to use OTPs over the phone, I didn't realise this!

Another transaction they attempted triggered another text from TSB...
... asking me if I recognised a transaction. I immediately replied no before this woman had a chance to do her speech about my options.

Always always always reply no if you don't recognise a transaction!

The last bit of the call, she asked me if the postcode they had...
... was correct. It was for my old address and despite the fact I knew I'd changed my address with the bank, I corrected her 🤦🏼‍♀️

Things I've learnt...
• Don't answer a call if you're not sure if it's genuine. Tell them you'll call them back and call the number on the back of your bank card
• Don't key in any sensitive info to your phone
• Don't give OTP on the phone
• Don't give out your address, your bank already has it
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