I find that the DOOM maps I like the least are the ones that are just nonstop slaughter maps. I think a good example of this is the later half of Hell Revealed 1 and most of Ancient Aliens.
I don't really like it when a map just throws hordes of demons at you all at once, espacially when most of those demons are Revenants, Arch Viles, and Cyberdemons. I prefer maps that are more focused on exploration or progression with well paced demon fights
Some of the early Eviternity maps were like this, before we went into the more slaughter map-y stuff of Episodes 5 and 6. Obviously not trying to knock Eviternity, AA, or HR1 since they both look great and have a lot of love put into them, just voicing my dumb thoughts
Dunno why I made this thread. I guess it's because most of the WADS I have atm are 90% slaughter maps, and I wanna find something different.
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