Can all the TERF's out on twitter with this #IStandWithMaya just, stop? This is lateral violence. This is transphobia. Seeking rights, should never take away someone else's humanity #IdontStandWithMaya
Didn't know all the TERFs had a google alert for transphobia, but now you are all here. A quick run down, lateral violence is the is displaced anger directed against one's peers rather than those who oppress you (1)
It means, pushing down an other minority in a fight to the top, instead of trying to dismantle the structures, that oppressors you in the first place. No-one is trying to erase women, especially not trans folks. Do you know who also strives for and benefits (2)
from equality under the framework of feminism? Trans-women! Also trans men & non-binary folks! You are all lead to believe that 'equality and rights' is some finite resources, like the last slice of pie and you push others down to get to it. (3)
But the goal is so more people have more rights. But what your misplaced anger does, is makes it really hard for trans and gender diverse people to live. Stop thinking that it's a fight to the top & stop stepping on other folks to get there first (4)
And I'll stop calling you TERF's when you stop excluding trans folk from your feminism! (5)
You know you literally all proved my point. What I am highlighting, is that 'lateral violence' a theoretical term, not explicitly meaning violence in the way you think of it, it means that one minority pushes down another minority in the fight for equality. (6)
The very fact that so many people have jumped on this with defensive remarks defending your identity, opposed to moving forward in an actual dialogue about how we can all have rights, is my very point (7)
But from this conversation, it doesn't seem you want to talk about equality. You want to jump someone with not very funny jokes, shit memes and somewhat aggressive attitude. (8)
Yes, of course women should not be reduced to their reproductive organs, yes of course women should have rights, of course women and girls should not be the victims of sexual abuse or domestic violence. (9)
All trans and gender diverse people agree this. All trans and gender diverse people want this. What my original tweet is saying, 1) is that your misguided anger shouldn't be directed to trans and gender diverse folks. (10)
2) when your misguided anger is directed at trans and gender diverse folks; it's transphobia.& your opinions make it really hard for trans and gender diverse people to live.3) when you misplace your anger to trans and gender diverse people it's a term called lateral violence (11)
Trans people are not the enemy. Trans people don't want women to vanish. Trans people want equal rights. Trans people want equality for women. We are not your oppressors and if you don't see this, the collective we will never stop being oppressed (12)
And if you took a moment to not immediately be defensive on this and have a conversation, you'd understand we are on the same side. We both want rights, we both want to see all people thrive (12)
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