tyler oakley, can you please explain what went through your head when you say this? i understand you are a gaga fan and you might not have liked the responses you received, but acting like this when someone kindly explained things to you? ‘nothing is real’? racism is very real
as an asian person, im so disappointed. you donated to ‘stop asian hate’, which made me happy, but you brushed off racism against asians (+racism in general i guess). as a fan, i do not want to cancel you; i want to hold you accountable
being upset that people are not happy for your favs is understandable, but minimizing racism to a ‘nothing is real lol we are in a simulation’ is NOT ok.

it’s words like that that make me, an asian person, feel like i do not have a voice. i feel suffocated
please explain this. i really do not want to cancel you @tyleroakley
i apologize for the quotes around stop asian hate. i was thinking of the phrase and not the name of the organization (but if i messed up the name of the organization, i sincerely apologize).
*said this
i apologize for my incorrect grammar
oh and the screenshot i posted earlier is not mine.
im sorry this thread is so long. this is the last thing i will say in it.
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