Unfortunately, this "antiquated and unhelpful debate" is perpetuated by health professionals constantly writing about it in medical journals and media articles like this one. Just stop it!
I can appreciate that Prof Pariante is trying very hard to bridge the rift in the chronic illness debacle, but by calling it CFS/ME (rather than ME/CFS) rather lets the mask slip. (oops)
Strawman alert.

Yes, some folks find meditation or counselling helpful, but they would never consider it to be the sole treatment for diabetes or cancer.
"Those who reject the notion that psychological approaches can help us better understand and treat physical symptoms are themselves falling, perhaps inadvertently, into the trap of differentiating and stigmatising mental illness."

But why? If, as you say, every symptom...
..."and every disorder, regardless of whether it is called mental or physical, is characterised by measurable biological changes in the body and in the brain."

then maybe we reject psychological approaches because they don't actually work? đŸ€”
Maybe if we considered "mental illnesses" to be not be just psychological, but actually biological and physical, there would be no need for any stigma at all?

Then perhaps we could assess "psychological approaches" on their own merits?
Now there's a thought!
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