Look, let’s face it - NOBODY likes to queue.

But that doesn’t give ANYONE the right to cut queue, which is a slap in the face of the the folks whom have been patiently waiting their turn.

So why am I tweeting this? Because it happened to me, and got me thinking

[A Thread]
1/n So I was driving earlier today running errands, and stopped at a traffic light junction to make a right turn. The junction has 3 lanes, 2 for turning right, and one to go straight. The light goes green to go straight first, then followed by the right turn light abt 30 s later
2/n Just as the right turn light turned green, 2 cars came from the left to beat the queue (I was the front-most car). Needless to say I honked my horn long enough as a signal to tell the 2 drivers off. Yes, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence these days. But my question: WHY?
3/n You see it happen happen all the time. And not just on the roads either. Again, WHY?

So it got me thinking the rest of the drive this afternoon. Have we been conditioned to think that it’s okay to behave in such a manner, to cut Q? Who moulded us this way?
4/n Honestly, what kind of mindset thinks its okay to NOT wait your turn?

Then I realized something: in our society, those belonging to a higher social strata always get to go first. For example, the obnoxious outriders pushing traffic aside to make way for VVIPs.
5/n More recently, with the COVID19 vaccines. Apart fm the *REAL* front liners, it’s VVIPs getting first dibs. Legally, or as alleged, not so legally.

It’s not something merely tolerated, but systemic - the higher up the social food chain you are, the faster your bidding be done
6/n Not to mention the different application of the law on people of different social standings. This has become blatant of late vis-a-vis alleged SOP violations.

A simplistic view perhaps, but this is nothing but Feudalism in action.
7/n Most of our so-called leaders behave and are treated like they’re lay nobility. Worse now with the PN & Frenemies regime, since the bulk of them come from political parties for whom feudalism is a way of life.

For them, the brunt of the law is for the peasants - i.e. US
8/n Similarly with those closely associated with these lay nobles - the inner circle jerk of influence, as I call them. And not to be outdone, some social media influencers, too, behave like lay nobility, albeit a notch or two just below.
9/n When these lay nobility behave the way they do, living in a world where waiting your turn is something meant for lesser beings than them, guess what? They set examples. Lousy examples, but examples nonetheless.
10/n When lay nobility behave the way they do, and get away with it, the examples they set also set precedences.

"If THEY don’t need to queue, why should I?”

Sadly, this has been etched into the psyche of many of us peasants over the years.
11/n Which is why they respond with violent indignation when they’re called out for cutting queue, or behaving in a manner less than civil.

Has this kind of uncivility become a kind of Malaysian Exceptionalism - the idea that such behavior has morphed into a kind of entitlement?
12/n Not all Malaysians, fortunately, but I notice this phenomenon is becoming more and more common.

Inconveniencing others, and behaving indignantly when told off, has become a more common occurrence.

Again, examples galore set by the lay nobility and inner circle jerks
13/n In theory, all are equal before the law. That’s what our FC says anyway. But in the Malaysian reality?

Some citizens are more equal than others.

It seems like we’ve been conditioned to not obey regulations when no one’s looking. Again, by examples set.
14/n With some Malaysians, unfortunately, the attitude of 'Me First, Screw Everyone Else' is actually passed down to their kids.

And does our education system teach us to civil? No, the system teaches kids to OBEY & DO NOT QUESTION your betters.
15/LAST Are you surprised, therefore, that when those on the top of the social food chain behave a certain way they end up becoming examples to be emulated by the peasantry, consciously or otherwise?

I’m not. Not one iota.

Quo vadis, Malaysia?

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