Sri Hanuman

His birth place is Anjanadri, one of the seven hills in Tirumala. He appeared as 12 year old with so much of tEjas (effulgence) and with yajnOpavIdam. This is why azhwar also referred as மந்திபாய் வடவேங்கட மாமலை

He was hungry and his mother Anjana went looking 1
for food. Meanwhile, he looked at the resplendent sun in the sky and made a dash towards thinking it was a fruit.

Indra used his Vajra to hit on Hanuman’s jaw that made Vayu angry. Being a mukya prAnan, he stopped the presence that made living beings suffer. 2
Brahma and other gods gave a boon to Hanuman that their weapons will have zero effect on him.

Sun god promised to teach sastras to Hanuman, and during the time, the sky was so bright with almost two suns appearing beside each other due to the radiance of Hanuman.

Hanuman was supposed to have been cursed by rishis as he made a hell on their lives, and his jnAnam will return upon seeing paramAtmA, which happens during Kishkinta Kandam when he sees Rama.

Entire sundara Kandam is about Hanuman, his prowess, calibrate, ability 4
To beat the odds and convert into success.

As swami Vedanta Desikar says ‘ hanumath samEna gurunA’, he acts as guru, bridging thayar(jivAtmA) and Rama ( paramAtmA) and provides taraka brahmam to the former with the ring

‘rAma nAmAngitam chEtam pasyatE anguliyakam’ 5
He also acts as mukya prAnan, vedantic tattvam that brahmam uses an enabler to get things done. He brings back the lives of Rama, Lakshmana and other vanaras, Piratti when she was about to commit suicide, Bharata when he was about commit self immolation saying அய்யன் வந்தனன் 6
ஆரியன் வந்தனன்.

One can get Rama bhakti only through Hanuman’s grace (guru).

May Sri Hanuman give us that Sitaram Bhakti.

Jai Sri Hanuman

Jai Sriram
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