Did you know?

88% of millionaires are self made?

They weren't born into their wealth, their habits led them to their wealth.

A thread...
I may not be a millionaire yet, but I have been around quite a lot of them and can tell you exactly how they think.

The 6 biggest difference between them and us.
1. Belief

The Rich: Believe they can succeed even when no one believes them

The Poor: They are dependent on other people's opinions, they don't believe they can do it.
2. Plan.

The Rich: Have a plan and everything they do is part of that plan

The Poor: Don't know what they want, don't have a target they just move around aimlessly like a headless chicken.
3. Solutions

The Rich: When they face a problem, they find a solution.

The Poor: When faced with a problem, they find an excuse.
4. Risk Taking.

The Rich: They are not afraid of taking risks, they see opportunities in risks and create them.

The Poor: Waiting for a miracle - Like winning the lottery, getting a promotion. They are basically waiting around doing nothing.
5. Wanting more.

The Rich: They never stop searching for more, they are never satisfied.

The Poor: These dudes blame others for their situations - the government, the banks, their friends even witches.
6. Investing.

The Rich: They are not afraid of investing in themselves, they go all out to make a few extra changes to their routine - exercises, seminars, courses.

The Poor: They call everything a scam.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

- Arthur Ashe
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