Before we start, let's review some big numbers.

2B+ people use Google Sheets
7M+ businesses use Google Workspaces
60% of classrooms in the US use Google Classroom.

Google Sheets is ubiquitous.

So the question is...

If you were trying to help businesses do more with data would you recommend you build on top of a platform with over 2B users or try to replace it?

We are choosing to build on top.

SPINE will augment Google Sheets (and Excel) with features that allow it to scale beyond what it was originally believed possible.

We're starting with what all products are built on, DATA.

Models, tools, and reports all depend on good data.

We're creating a Google Sheets Add-on which keeps reports up-to-date by automatically importing data from tools like Stripe, Salesforce, and dozens of others of sources.

We're working w/ a community to build data-connected apps.

Join our, first of its kind, open source Slack community that builds business apps on top of Google Sheets.

Don't worry, you don't have to be a developer.


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