I have lost trust in every single socialist on the free bird app. Are you really about #blacklivesmatter how can you be when you ignore our pain. I honestly feel that black people need to separate ourselves completely from the people that mean us so much harm.
What has fighting for equality got us. Nothing. A organisation called Resisting Hate that hates the people it's supposed to help.
Faux socialists that care more about their emotions that the emotions of people actually experiencing racism.
These people care more about animals than their fellow human. Look how people bawl big eye water from animal abuse but bypass the pain of another human.

Are you alright? ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜’
Could you walk a mile in our shoes with literally EVERYTHING stacked against us?

No you couldn't but you would keep us down to make sure you never have to
Could you worry about your son every waking minute of the day? Just because his black.
Could you worry that your daughter will not get the treatment she needs for her illness because the system purely doesn't give a shit about her.
Ebony has lupus we have to fight her gp every month to get her the medication she needs to stay alive and healthy. Every month. Could you do that? I have to watch my daughter tear herself apart mentally because she knows society DOES NOT CARE.
So tell me again why I should care about white women proclaiming they are fighting racism when I have to fight to keep my daughter alive every fucking day.
I'll wait for the answers
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