A thread:
Unbelievably we've been overlooked for an #oscar.


We entered the category 'Best co-production between RCHT and an external database in a 'will they/won't they' adventure for all the family'. I know, niche.

@CITSDataQuality @RCHTQIHub @RCHTWeCare @TheODTeam1
Communicating with our stakeholders is vital. This means: you talk, we listen.

We proactively consider the needs and desires of anyone who has a stake in the future of RCHT, it can give us an enhanced perspective.
So what do we need? Yep, you've got it - a powerful Stakeholder Management software system that's straightforward to use but also offers multiple engagement tools.

Enter stage left @Tractivity_SRM the UK’s leading cloud software for Stakeholder Management and Communications. Big relief. Phew. We're cooking on gas now.
But HANG ON A MINUTE fair reader, what's this I spy?
Turns out, NHS Mail and Tractivity couldn’t talk to each other due to national NHS mail settings. Bombshell.
Options? Yes, we had options but would they be able to connect up NHS Mail and Tractivity? It’s a cliff-hanger alright.
Option 1: we could purchase mailboxes for Tractivity to manage and own on our behalf. Now, this would be an unanticipated expense and the mailboxes wouldn’t have an NHS domain name.

Can you just even imagine?
Option 2: We could drag and drop emails into the Tractivity system.

Hmm, well, this means a high possibility of human error and we wouldn’t easily or quickly be able to track our vital stakeholder email conversations.

Did we weep, whine, wail, gnash our teeth? No we did not.

We did the sensible and logical thing. We had a look at our Trust values for inspiration (one value, right there, already).
We called Sara Morgan @RCHTQIHub and CITS IT Security Manager Martin Price @CITSDataQuality @CITS_ITTraining and threw ourselves on their mercy.

Martin and @Tractivity_SRM put their heads together to try and make the seemingly impossible, well……..yes, possible.
Even though NHS mail and Tractivity had never been able to previously connect.

Guess what happened? Go on GUESS GUESS GUESS!

Yes, Sara, Martin, NHS Mail and Tractivity collaborated, wrangled together to smooth any little glitches and for the first time in an NHS Trust:
Tractivity and NHS Mail now work together in utter harmony!

Trailblazing innovation and collaborative teamwork, working with respect and pride, has resulted in a groundbreaking partnership between NHS mail and Tractivity. @RCHTQIHub @CITS_ITTraining @CITSDataQuality @RCHTWeCare
Enabling us to track, manage, evidence and communicate brilliantly with all of our fantastic stakeholders.

Weight off, peace restored.
Thank you dear reader, as we see what can be achieved when we turn to our Trust values.

Now our story can begin with the wonder that is NHS Mail, Tractivity and stakeholder engagement.

Thank you Sara, thank you Martin, thank you Tractivity. It's been emotional. @RCHTWeCare
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