The armed forces of the French Republic are one of the few genuinely national institutions. I would not overstate this retired Generals' letter - I would also not dismiss it in the France of Napoleon, Foch, Petain & de Gaulle. It is signal not noise.
A French General who liked writing open letters?
The BBC:

"Members of the French military, whether actively serving or reservists, are forbidden from expressing public opinions on religion and politics, and Ms Parly has called for those who signed the letter to be punished."
If you are a young historian with reasonable French proficiency, there has not yet been a good biography in English of Marshal Patrice de MacMahon, a veritable saviour of France and descended from the "Wild Geese" Irish. Please alert me when you have completed it. Merci.
Here is a translation of the French Generals' open letter. The principal signatory was General Christian Piquemal, former Commandant of the French Foreign Legion.
[Via @RpwWilliams ]
A poll indicating that majority of the French support these retired Generals’ views - and thereby rejecting President Macron, his government, and the political class generally from left to right, including Mélenchon
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