Short 🧵on anxiety in #LongCovid
People with LC get anxious not bec they’re imagining the illness but because:

1) They’re disbelieved about their symptoms by services, employers & society
2) No known treatment
3) Unknown prognosis
4) Little support
5) Job & financial worry

6) Ability to care & do daily duties affected
7) Guilt & regret - “what could I’ve done differently to avoid this”?
8) Shame- being constantly told to “pull it together”, “be positive”, “be grateful”, “don’t think about it” etc
9) Accusations of malingering

10) Being labelled with “anxiety” and the implicit notion of “all in your head”
11) All this leads to stigma and avoidance of talking about it and seeking support & services so the vicious cycle continues.

This is not new & been faced by other neglected chronic conditions.

It’s time to change that. People with conditions that medicine & science don’t understand well are not “making a fuss”. Not fitting neatly into categories & pathways is not their fault. Anxiety is only natural if you’re in that position and is secondary rather than primary.
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