seokjin's love for armys is immeasurable ; a heartwarming thread
"army is my heart, army is my everything"
a compilation where he mentions "army" & how he reminds them to talk to us 😭
here's a compilation of jin's flying kiss <3
putting a lot of efforts for his heart events <3
heart events ^^ he always tries to find a way to impress armys with the hearts he made himself
him doing an aegyo to make everyone smile
he's the cutest pls 😭
this "mahal kita" which means "i love you"
he really never forgets us
his handwritten letter saying "sorry to my international ARMY that i am not good at english but i love you"
when he said "i will dance til' my body breaks if it's for army" 😭
he wrote moon for us
he delivered a soulful gift to his beloved armys on his birthday!
"ARMY only has eyes for us, and we only have eyes for ARMY too... And to us ARMY is everything, that's what the song will be about"
this compilation of jin saying "army"
q for #SmartBTS : What is the passion and purpose of BTS?

Jin: "I’m not sure about BTS’ passion because I can’t read the mind of our members, but my passion is to please ARMY. I will do my best with all my effort."
seokjin is always wishing armys happiness 😭
when he pretended to be the cameraman to surprise armys :'<
• when he gave reasons why he loves armys

- "armys is the source of my happiness"
- "because i think of armys in everything i do"
- "armys is the reason why BTS is together"
"I love you 3000"

- end of thread
- "Butter" by @BTS_twt will be out in 24 Days (May 21st at 1PM KST)

🔗 ( )

- & stream film out !

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