- stop doing that, it's wrong!
- you do it too!
- then you shouldn't let me do it either!
Families & relationships give us ways to check ourselves and each other. We all make mistakes; we all need feedback

When that stops we have ourselves a crumbling society; with that, crumbling individuals

So don't turn your back on each other as a family.
If the foundation is strong, these relationships last for years and grow further.

In my parents' gen, mom's extended family spent months together EVERY YEAR, multiple generations together.

They're all still close despite seeing each other very rarely after settling down.
Families and relationships should make every member a better person

Their feedback is valuable. You too need the work. Would be impossible in a bubble

And when each give without expecting it is already precious. Imagine that being sent around and compounded within a group.
The point is

1. families and relationships are important

2. imbibe the good lessons. Arguments aren't a reason to turn backs, they're a reason to work on ourselves

3. Reproach, ask to be reproached, make the efforts to change. These are forms of love.
Special thanks to the family, long arguments, 2020, stories from the cousins vault, friends, and books for this thread... lol
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