I think I found what happened to Lorde.
The last song of Melodrama is Perfect Places. And to make its music video, she and her crew went to Jamaica (and we can see in the video the locations don't seem to have human habitats)
Also at the end, we can see her in a river. So while she's having fun there, her crew left her alone in the island (without knowing). Then she couldn't figure out what to do. She's still living in that island without any human interaction. And no one could find her. +
But she could manage to make L3 during this period of time (using sounds of nature and the very limited amount of equipment she could find) but she has almost forgotten how to use technology. +
This is live footage [recently taken from a rescue drone camera] of her trying to upload L3 to sharing platforms but she has no idea her laptop is dead and broken (also she's so dumb to use it underwater. Poor soul.)
She tried to call others asking for help but she her phone is dead too. :(
And surprisingly, she foreshadowed this in Hard Feelings; "I call from underwater, why even try to get right?"
We miss you Ella. We will come there to save you no matter what obstacles we have to face throughout this mission. Stay strong bestie!!! <3
*End of the thread*

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